Holton Manor
Dining Services
Eating well is one of the keys to feeling well. Nutritious food is part of the recipe, of course, but other elements are pretty important, too. Our dining program takes great care to create menus that take advantage of fresh, seasonal ingredients. Here, delicious goes hand in hand with nutritious. Our menus offer variety, and make sure to include plenty of old favorites. We’re big fans of a homemade dessert, as well, to add a little sweetness to each day.
Good Food for
Better Health
Healthy menus are part of our comprehensive approach to personal care and wellness. The Holton Manor culinary team works with dietary restrictions and needs to provide meals that satisfy on every level. Each neighborhood in our community features its own dining room, where residents can enjoy a meal in good company. In-room dining is available, as well. Sometimes we take advantage of the dining opportunities that abound in our Elkhorn, WI community. An occasional burger from Annie’s Burger Town or ice cream from Culver’s adds a bit of spice to the menu.
Want to know more about the culinary program at Holton Manor? Check out a sample menu, then get in touch to schedule a tour and a talk.




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Rehab Therapy Skilled Nursing Long-Term Care Respite Care Hospice Care
At Holton Manor
People Come First